June 15, 2011 my soulmate was born. October 3, 2022 was the day my heart, my soul, my reason left his body and me behind. Rescued from impending death at seven months old, TyTy was not only the love of my life, but he became an invaluable part of our rescue. He was very gentle with all the cats. He loved them and they loved him. TyTy trained the cats to be at ease with a big dog, so they could be adopted into a home with a dog. He went with me everywhere possible. Ty loved his car and would hang out in there for 12 hours if he could. We had so much fun together, exploring all the dog parks, going on long, long walks at all times of the day and night, playing in the backyard (he loved to play keep away, frisbee, chase the lizards and sit on the swing with me.) As you can imagine, I have countless pictures and videos of Ty. Here are only a few. Words cannot describe how much I miss by boi. Thank you for indulging me. I'm probably going to make a few more like this - because there are so many wonderful memories to share.